
academic writing

Müssen Sammlungen demokratischer werden?, in: Kunstforum International, ed. by Ellen Wagner and Uta M. Reindl (02/2022)

Today’s New Right Movements in Germany and across Europe. Old and New Ideologies against the ‘Free World’, in: Against the Grain. The Ethics, Politics and Poetics of Contrarian Speech, Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research, ed.: Cornelia Gräbner and Joost de Bloois. (06/2022)

Hito Steyerl. Medienkritik und Post-Digitale Kunst, in: Kristin Klein, Willy Noll (ed.): POSTDIGITAL LANDSCAPES. Kunst und Medienbildung in der digital vernetzten Welt, Zeitschrift Kunst Medien Bildung | zkm 2019. Open Peer Review Journal.

The resurgence of Blood and Soil. Symbols and artefacts of Völkische Siedlungen and Neo-Nazi Villages in Germany, in: Shift Journal of Visual and Material Culture, Nr. 11, 02/19 (Peer-Review).

Symbolische Apokalypse bei Hito Steyerl, in: Günther Friesinger (Ed.), End/Zeit. Das Apokalyptische zwischen Politik Prognose und Technologie, 2018, Edition Mono, p. 231–245.

conferences, symposia, & panels

Teresa Retzer, Today’s New Right Movements in Germany and across Europe. Old and New, at: Against the Grain. The Ethics, Politics, and Poetics of Contrarian Speech, Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (June 2019): Ideologies against the ‘Free World’.

Kuratieren als Diskursive Praxis – Chancen im Digitalen, Workshop Volontariats-Symposium 2021, Jessica Menger and Teresa Retzer

Teresa Retzer, The resurgence of Blood and Soil. Symbols and artifacts of Völkische Siedlungen and Neo-Nazi Villages in Germany, at: Blood and Soil and Earth, CUNY Center New York, organized by Shift Journal of Visual and Material Culture (März 2019).

Teresa Retzer, The significance of the photographic image in a data-based reality, at: Photography in Academic Research: Images in the Post-Truth Era, Birkbeck College University of London (September 2018).

Teresa Retzer, Rechte Räume – Right-wing activism in Germany building up its own, at: Flags, Identity, Memory Critiquing the Public Narrative through Color, Université de Lille (Februar 2018).